Cornerstone Awarded Bramaderos Concession
OTTAWA, ON - Cornerstone Capital Resources Inc. reported that its subsidiary La Plata Minerals S.A. has been awarded the "Bramaderos" concession in Ecuador following a public bidding process.
The 4,949 Hectares Bramaderos concession is located in Loja province, some 130 km (2 hours drive) from the Loja provincial capital city. Easy access is provided by the PanAmerican Highway crossing the western part of the concession.
The Bramaderos property was sporadically explored during the periods 1970 to 1984, 2001 to 2002 and 2004 to 2007. Porphyry style gold-copper mineralization has been found mainly associated to quartz veins stockworks and breccias hosted by a cluster of potassic altered, northeast aligned, quartz-diorite porphyries showing the typical porphyry alteration and mineralization patterns. An extensive, 5km by 1-2 km, gold and copper (+/- molybdenum) in-soil anomaly located in the central part of the property has been partially tested by trenching and diamond drilling. Several zones have not yet been followed up. A total of 888 rock and 1324 soil samples have been collected, 17 trenches dug and channel sampled, 31 line kilometers of magnetic and Induced Polarization (IP) surveys carried out, and a total of 10,426m of diamond drilling performed to test some of the anomalous areas.
Brooke MacDonald, Cornerstone's CEO, said, "Bramaderos has excellent potential to host large-volume gold and copper mineralization. The available data will be fully assessed and a 3D mineralization model developed. Several near drill ready targets have been identified, and the property is available for joint venture".